We Know Campfire Songs

From Retired Scouter.
A phone browser-formatted version is at: m.weknowcampfiresongs.com (Not an app)

Available letters for song listings:

 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Little Bar of Soap

I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap
I wish I was a little bar of soap, bar of soap
I'd go slippy and a slidy over everybody's hidey
I wish I was a little bar of soap.

Repeat song using:

Bottle of Pop - I'd go down with a slurp and come up with a burp
Mosquito - I'd nippy and I'd bitey when it becomes nighty
Slice of Orange - I'd go squirty, squirty, squirty over everybody's shirty
Waterbed - I'd go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, and make everybody giggle
Foreign Car -I'd go speedy, speedy, speedy, over everybody's feeties