We Know Campfire Songs

From Retired Scouter.
A phone browser-formatted version is at: m.weknowcampfiresongs.com (Not an app)

Available letters for song listings:

 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Y  Z


Since many boys do not speak up in front of a large crowd, pantomime is a perfect way for them
to perform and get their point across without worrying that they will not be heard. Pantomime is
the expression of thought, emotion, or action without words. In its more advanced forms,
pantomime can include words supplied by a narrator or chorus but the performers never speak.
Ask the boys to practice pantomiming the following activities:

Walking into a room where a baby sleeps. Walking on ski's.
Working as a police traffic officer. Working as a doctor.
Smelling something very bad. Seeing a house on fire.
Tasting your favorite dessert. Seeing a good friend you haven't seen in years.