We Know Campfire Songs

From Retired Scouter.
A phone browser-formatted version is at: m.weknowcampfiresongs.com (Not an app)

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Pecos Bill

Pecos Bill was a cowboy out in Texas,
And a western superman to say the least,
He was the roughest, toughest critter
Never known to be a quitter,
And he didn't have no fear of man or beast.

So, yipee-yi-ay, Yippe-yi-oh,
He's the toughest critter west of the Alamo.

Once a band of rustlers stole a herd of cattle,
But they didn't know the herd they stole was Bill's,
And when he caught them ornery critters-
Then he knocked out all their fillings,
That's the way they got the gold in them thar hills.


Once while ridin' out across the burning desert,
It was ninety miles across the burning sand,
He knew he'd never reach the border
If he didn't get some water,
So he got a stick and dug the Rio Grande.


Once there was a drought that spread all over Texas,
So to sunny Californey he did go,
And though this really may sound corny He
brought rain from Californey,
That's the way we got the Gulf of Mexico.


While reclining on a cloud high over Texas,
With his gun he made the stars evaporate,
And when he saw those stars declinin'
He left one brightly shinin',
As the emblem of the Lone Star Texas State.